Dear Friends,
By any standard it has been a hot and miserable summer in the northeast, and when the cool winds of autumn blow, they will bring welcomed relief for both body and mind. The same could be said of the Pandemic, the protests, the rioting, looting and destruction not to mention all the negativity of a presidential election.
Thankfully, seasons change and time marches ever forward, leaving in its wake difficulties and blessings alike. Everything changes in the course of time. The election will come and go as all elections do, as will the virus and the social upheaval that has joined its ranks. The cool winds of relief will move across the land and we will, thankfully, get back to the business of living in this imperfect world.
Troubled times come and go, the question is will we learn anything in their wake or will we make the same mistakes again? Will we look to our God and love our neighbor or will we choose to go our own way? For believers the answer is clear for our calling never changes, we are to be a light in a dark world. We are to trust God, love our neighbor as our self, and help others find the same forgiveness in God we have found.
Sadly, the majority of the world will continue to do as they have done, raging against each other, crying out for justice and peace, but always failing to achieve it. The empirical evidence of human history points out the fact that people are neither capable nor fit to govern themselves. They ignore God’s truth, His law and His love in favor of their own choices. As a result, the world moves in an endless cycle of suffering. For this reason, we as believers need to stay focused on the task before us for the sake of those few who remain who still might embrace the truth of God.
Jesus once said, “Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” This is humanity’s reality because the world collectively rejects Christ’s message of love and forgiveness in favor of their own wisdom.
The scriptures teach that one day Christ will return and the cool winds of healing, justice and peace will cover the earth, and all that is wrong will made right again as it was in days of Eden. Until that great day, we who follow are to serve Him by helping others find that narrow gate.
Your Fellow Servant,
Pastor T.L. Hartley
PS: The traditional mailing includes an Our Daily Bread devotional, but you can also access it online.